…we mean records company representative. Mid 2009 we delivered our songs to our label and continued rehearsing heavily (for our standards). Surprise hit us early December, right after label had asked, when we are coming to studio and right after we were able to get some schedule details done with label. Suddenly, after half a year silence, after preliminary schedules was suggested to us by label, same thing started that was during Hwainoo: melodies did not please record company representative.
We always welcome criticism, but the timing was most odd. This all seemed very unreasonable, when comparing to promotion/marketing support received from the label. As the months passed by, it became clear that there was no way we could settle up this mess with Mastervox records. Our opinion was that there was nothing wrong with songs and label’s opinion was that there is something from with melodies overall, not on any specific songs, not on any specific things, melodies just didn’t tickle our, obviously. Yet months passed and needles to say, we grew even tired of the situation and worst thing was, that we no longer received any replies to our emails to Mastervox records. Final nail to the coffin was comment from label, asking why 2 out of 3 promo songs, that was supposed to go to Soundholic, were jazz.
It was time to get this issue cleared up for the good. But yet again, it’s hard to get things settled, when there’s no response. Even an attempt to call to record company didn’t produce any results, obviously there was no time, no enthusiasm to get things straight. It also became to our knowledge, that our japanese label had closed up, apparently sometime late 2009, after death of their president. So, only one thing remains: On 16th of April, exactly two years after hwainoo, Ultimatium single-handedly cuts deal off with Mastervox records, because of several contract violations by Mastervox records. It is to be stated, that Ultimatium tried, despite of no promo/marketing support, despite of zero royalties paid to us, to fill up their part of the deal untill the very end. But it takes two to tango…
So, what now, one might ask. First of all, we’re straightening up our lines. New homepages, new promo pictures, for starters. No more silence. We start to look for a new label, but in meantime, we’re starting to records our third album, of course. There might be some gigs too, but the main focus is on third album. We’re not sure when it will be finished, but we hope to get recordings and mixing & stuff finished by the and of 2010. If no label found our album interesting enough, we are prepared to release our album freely on internet, because all it matters now, is to bring our songs to you, no matter how 🙂
Previous: Part 2.3, Work, work, work Next: Part 3.1, Sometimes you gotta break to build