Summer, 2018

Yeah, it’s been a while since we updated this blog. During summertime there was not that much progress with the album. Couple of more tracks got some fine-tuned guitarings, but that work continues. Basses will be ready probably during this year. However, Juha Haipus won’t be playing those basses due to scheduling issues, recording 65min epic isn’t that easy task to do if you don’t really have spare time from works & studies 🙂 But that’s the way it goes nowadays, few of us can afford to be full-time musician (except Matti A, who’s professional :D).

But that’s the end of bad news (for now at least). Matti P finally got his own mancave and is bit busy constructing vocaling booth + studio room. And that a notch towards more professional studio environment, which us a much-needed and anticipated improvement. So this might still turn into recording & construction blog 🙂

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