Days n+1

Now, almost all the piano-sounds are done and also couple of mighty orchestrations have been put to their places. There’s not actually that many super-mighty-100-stacks-of-symphonc-virtual-instruments (yeah, we cannot afford real violins or cellos) tracks on this album, but those few are mightier than ever. That being said, most keyboard riffs are played with piano or lead sound, but I’m saving the lead-sound-hell later 🙂 Also I just finished with background strings sound recently, next I’m probably going to do choirs + pipe organ + Hammond and other background sounds. Oh, and I bought win7 license and installed it as dual-boot after I got fed up with windows 10 and the blue screens and all that other shit. Then I installed all the sw’s and resized win7 partition and re-did all above because win7 didn’t like it… Then I took backups 🙂

Meanwhile, Harri has been doing this (if you know how the last picture relates to the first two, let me know 😀

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